Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Running for Nothing - Starting February 2009!

Running is awesome. And it is awesome to have a reason to run. In fact, running for itself can be reason enough.

But we all need a little motivation now and then.

And while all those competitive events and races that happen throughout the year are great causes that can give you that extra push to put those shoes on and get out the door, especially when the weather sucks, they can cost a lot of money over time.

So I'd like to invite you to join "Running for Nothing"... an informal group of runners, new and experienced, who meet at a set time in a set location to "race" a set distance (<5k>10k).

There are no fees, no prizes, no shirts, no sponsors, and no timing chips. There ARE bragging rights, your stopwatch, and the motivation that a community of runners can offer you.
And ensure you ARE ready to take on that big event you have been training for.

Every few weeks, I will post a new route, and where & when to meet. After the run we'll meet at a coffee shop at the end of it all to warm up or cool down and share our stories.

Want to be Running for Nothing? Keep an eye on this blog and your emails.

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